Precision Control SDN BHD

Precision Control SDN BHD

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Level Transmitter

SITRANS Probe LU is a 2-wire loop-powered ultrasonic transmitter for level, volume, and flow monitoring of liquids in storage vessels and simple process vessels, as well as in open channels.

The transducer is available as ETFE (ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene) or PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride) to suit the chemical conditions of your application. For applications with varying material and process temperatures, the Probe LU incorporates an internal temperature sensor to compensate for temperature changes.

SITRANS Probe LU uses field-proven Sonic Intelligence ® signal processing.


Level, volume or flow

SITRANS Probe LU is designed to measure levels of liquids in a variety of applications:

• Storage type vessels

• Simple process vessels with some surface agitation

• Liquids

• Slurries

• Open channels

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