Precision Control SDN BHD

Precision Control SDN BHD

Sunday, June 20, 2010


1 All equipments used shall be of SYABAS approved model/brand.
2 LT Instrument used shall be using 24 VDC power supply.
3 LT Junction Box is arranged according to approved drawing.
4 All unused holes are fitted with rubber/silicone seals and not loose.
5 Cleanliness of equipment. Should be free from dust, rust and corrosion.

1 Signal cables shall be 1.5mmsq. Screen cable shall be connected at earth
point at the RTU Panel or Junction Box.
2 Signal cables are properly labelled.
3 All cables shall be arranged properly and neatly. All connection shall be tight
and not loose.
4 All armoured cables leaving/coming to enclosure shall be properly fitted with
gland ring and connected to earth point.

1 Lightning arrestor (LPU Cat 3) shall be connected to earth point and earth
cable shall be 4.0mmsq.
2 All earth cables inside panel shall be 2.5mmsq and main earth cable shall be

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